Call Of Pripyat Bloodsucker Lair
Walkthrough - Jupiter Quests - Part 1 STALKER: CoP Guide. Once there, go left and try to reach the centre of the building. There will be a mutant pretending to be a Byurer. If you stay silent, you should be able to take him down with one headshot from the Gauss (see - mission 1 of the Pripyat sector). Destroy the Bloodsucker Lair - Remain Neutral/Friendly with Duty and Freedom - Help out the Scientists - Garry Ending: All Operation Fairway members in Pripyat survive evac; - Cpt. Tarasov and his 2 men need to be kept alive at the Hospital fight - Discover Oasis, bring back artifact to Ozersky - Finish Quest - Operation: One shot.
- Call Of Pripyat Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, TipsS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for:S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat CheatsS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of PripyatCheat Codes:-Submitted by: David K.Unlockables - Ending sequences:-The ending is determined by actions you took over the course of the game.Each action unlocks an extra sequence of the ending you normally would notsee.1. Complete the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement.2. Complete the 'Courier Of Justice' achievement.3.
Complete the 'Detective' achievement.4. Complete the 'Friend Of Stalkers' achievement. Prevents ending #8.5. Complete the 'Friend Of Duty' achievement. Prevents endings #6 and #9.6. Complete the 'Friend Of Freedom' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #9.7.
Complete the 'High Tech Master' achievement.8. Cheat engine cant check box without. Complete the 'Kingpin' achievement.
Prevents ending #4.9. Complete the 'Man Of Balance' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #6.10. Complete the 'Mutant Hunter' achievement.11. Complete the 'One Of The Lads' achievement.12. Complete the 'Pioneer' and 'Research Assistant' achievements.13.
Complete the 'Trafficker Of Information' achievement.14. Complete the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement but not the'High Tech Master' achievement.15. Complete the 'High Tech Master' achievement but not the 'Battle SystemsMaster' achievement.16. Do not kill Noah.17. Vano survives.18. Zulu survives.19. Strider survives20.
Call Of Pripyat Demo
Strelock survives.21. Finding out about the fate of Barge and Joker for Cardan.Allows the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7.22. Find all six documents in the X8 Lab.23. Restore the Gauss Rifle to operational.Changes the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7 to the best outcome.24. Find the Compass artifact for Beard.25. Leave on the choppers at end of game.26.
Do not leave on the choppers. Prevents endings #1 through #25.Early Vintar BC Sniper Rifle:-Immediately when you first enter the game, go to the burnt farmstead. There is aburnt piece of wood leaning against the wall of the ruined house on the top right.Walk up it and you can follow the roofs to the left to get a Vintar laying on theroof of the building on the far left.Downed UAV:-Located at the northwest corner of the Jupiter Map is a UAV crash, in a crater.You can loot the computer and have Nitro decrypt it for you. It gives you thelocations of the three stashes containing Strelok's notes which can be used tocomplete the 'Keeper of Secrets' achievements and also to acquire Strelok LuckySGI5K, which is arguably the best AR in the game because it can hold a silencer,m203, and all Susat scope models.Defeating Bloodsuckers:-Occasionally when fighting Bloodsuckers, if you sprint away and turn around theywill follow you in a straight line.
This makes it easy to hit them while they areinvisible.Anabolic drugs:-When making your first trip through the Bloodsucker's lair, you exit through atunnel. If you follow the tunnel the other way, there is a stash containingAnabolic drugs, which are the earliest ones you can find.Easy money:-After technicians are friendly to you through quests, you can repair items forcheaper.