Hon Vs Dota 2

Hon vs dota 2 item

Hon Vs Dota 2 1

The case of DotA 2 vs Heroes of Newerth, the call is actually pretty difficult to make. DotA 2 definitely looks the better game, but, for a two year old game, Heroes of Newerth definitely brings it. In the end though, DotA definitely looks cleaner, the interface nicer, the quality of the world and the textures better. DotA 2 and HoN are more closely related together than LoL and DotA 2. So if you want prior experience in a MOBA, then HoN or DotA 1 would give you quite a bit more experience than not playing an MOBA or coming from LoL. I haven't switched. I'm happy playing on average now - 1 game of HoN and 1 game of Dota a day. I also prefer the length of HoN games (typically 30 mins) to Dota 2 because since 6.83 comeback mechanics it seems every Dota match goes late game.

Hi guys, like the title says, just looking for any advice/thoughts you guys might have on how HoN compares to Dota these days, or if any of you have switched/switched back, and what your feelings are on the matter.Some background info: I played HoN religiously for a few years starting around 2011 or so. Got a bit fed up with the community and decided to try Dota out and got stuck on it (even though the community is quite toxic there too). However I've liked that Dota seems to be a lot more balanced than HoN was back when I played, and the meta is consistently evolving which means the game constantly changes and remains interesting.So what do you guys think? Would you recommend coming back?

Has anyone tried and decided to stay? Would love to hear your thoughts. Still think HoN is the best game by a mile. It's perfect if you're a casual player that plays at 'peak' times and doesn't mind the lack of a competitive scene.I'd argue the community has pretty much stayed the same - it's pretty toxic but if you tend to mute/ignore the worst offenders and dont mind a few thrown games at lower brackets it's not too bad.I left HoN and played Dota back in 2013, and recently came back to both games after not playing any during my PhD and I gotta say I'm enjoying HoN a lot more than dota2. I'm a very casual gold player & do not watch streams/competitive etc. This is a mostly accurate post, although my opinion on the small community is a bit better. (Granted, I don't spend a lot of time in the lower brackets where frustration and skill disparity are more common), I find the community to be a bit better.

People are still assholes, sure. That hasn't changed. But I haven't had someone legitimately throw a game by intentionally feeding, or buying all the wards and placing them in the well, etc in a long time.I can maybe recall two games where it's happened in the last few years. That doesn't mean all games are necessarily fun and that people still don't flame one another all the time. But it seems like the players that remain tend to 'tough it out' a bit more and at least somewhat care about actually winning a given match.

Hon Vs Dota 2 7

Which to me, is a big improvement over the game 2 or 3 years ago.(Along the same lines, the current meta in TMM and recent patches seems to lend themselves nicely to turtling so there's more incentive to not just give up immediately. Even if you dislike the people on your team.).

It's mostly the same. Community is similar.You tend to see more 5-men carry team in HoN, but it isn't as punishing in HoN to not have a support.On the factual side, HoN's engine is far more responsive than DotA's.I can't count the number of time I canceled my auto-attack/spell in DotA because I'm used to right click and move right after my attack move.That's about it for the real differences.If you are already used to DotA's sluggish response time, I don't see why you'd want to come back.Heroes are, for the most part, more unique in DotA and balance is miles ahead. The 'sluggish response time' that you mentioned was one of the things that made me hesitant about picking up Dota, but as I've learned by playing, the 'sluggishness' is more a result of a higher emphasis that Valve places on turn rates (i.e. The time it takes for your hero to face a different direction to attack/cast spells).As far as I know, turn rates weren't a big thing in HoN (they don't exist at all in LoL, so you can cast spells backwards, etc.)But you're right - now that I've gotten used to that as well as other gameplay mechanics, I'm not sure how easily I'll be able to start with HoN again.Mostly there are just some heroes I miss. Dota does have many great heroes but I really miss playing Silhouette, Revenant, Riftwalker and others. I spend 10+ hours a day at work and usually have one or two hours to game when I get home and finish other miscellaneous tasks. Would I like to divide those 1/2 hours between two highly addictive games, both of which can average 30-40 mins per round?

Hon Game

Hon gameHon Vs Dota 2

Not really.Ideally I'd rather just figure out whether HoN is worth committing to again (hence this post). Depending on the feedback, I'd consider picking up HoN regularly and taking a break from Dota.P.S., sadly, unlike meat and marriage, a finance job and addictive video games do not easily go hand-in-hand.

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