Starcraft 2 Ghost Quotes
Quotations from the Ghost in StarCraft 2. Voice actor: Liam O'Brien READY: 'Ghost reporting.' SELECTED: 'Go!' 'Out with it!' StarCraft 2 - Ghost Quotes. Metacafe Affiliate U Subscribe Unsubscribe 1 991. 15 May 2012 4 200. Voice of starcraft 2 sc2 quotes starcraft ghosts speech quote wings liberty terran unit voices noinstreamads. StarCraft Zerg Heroes Infested Duran. Terran Duran's quotes are slightly different from Zerg Infested Duran's quotes, like calling the player captain instead of Cerebrate, and laughing when saying 'I like your style, friend.' One of Terran Duran's quote also feature strange blunt hammering noises in the background not present in Zerg Infested Duran's quote.
Page Tools.This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and for: for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.Diablo Reference On ',' Redstone III (planet), head to the bottom right corner of the map to locate Diablo, surrounded by lava. There is one way to get him: fly there with a barracks. He will not attack you, he just jumps there even if you train soldiers from barracks.Submitted by: stormmroh /Dance Party Select and press Enter, then type the command /dance to make them dance. Currently this only seems to work with ground units. The list is:.
Zerglings. Hydralisks. Ultralisks. Zealots. High templar.
Starcraft 2 Ghost Quotes Free
Marines. Marauders. Thors (confirmed only for CE variant of )Jukebox Songs You can unlock the following songs for the jukebox by performing the actions below. Up the Night - Beat ModeSecret on On the mission Zero Hour, if you attack the base to the north/northwest you can find a nuetral Marauder. If you click him 3 times the words 'Secret 3.2.1' will appear and then the marauder will disappear.
Works on all difficulties but good luck doing it on hard or brutal.Diablo On 'The Devil's Playground,' Redstone III (planet), head to the bottom right corner of the map to locate Diablo, surrounded by lava. He is hostile and will attack your units when encountered. Legacy of the Void Walkthrough. Aiur Missions. Moebius Corps Missions. Shakuras Missions.
Ulnar Missions. Purifier Missions. Tal'darim Missions. Epilogue Missions.
Heart of the Swarm. Heart of the Swarm Walkthrough. Umoja Missions. Char Missions. Kaldir Missions.
Zerus Missions. Skygeirr Missions. Space Missions. Final Mission. Evolution Missions. Mastery Achievement Walkthrough.