Best Wow Ui Compilations


I've been thinking about giving my UI a makeover for Legion, since I've basically used the same combo since WotLK (VuhDo for healing/raid frames, tweaked to be vaguely Grid-like, Quartz, Recount, BadKitty for feral. Got MonkTimers for my WW monk when that became a thing) and the transition to 7.0 seemed like a good time to reevaluate. My combo has served me fine, granted, but it's basically just Blizz's UI + some stuff. It does nothing to reduce screen clutter; it does the opposite, really, but does provide the additional information I feel I need to be effective.

Graphical Compilations. 257,734 Downloads. 25 Favorites. MayronUI Gen6. 232,518 Downloads. 1,057 Favorites. FreeUI 12,004 Downloads. 62 Favorites. 40,867 Downloads. 27 Favorites. 34,929 Downloads. 125 Favorites. Altz UI for BFA. 284,735 Downloads. 530 Favorites. LockeeUI Ultrawide. Jan 14, 2011 - I'm going to suggest you avoid compilations. When patch day comes around, you'll be held hostage with lua errors until your comp finally gets.

So, I'd like to see if I can get a UI combo going that does both things better: provides the info I need to be effective (good raid frames are a must, and I'll probably keep VuhDo unless there's a compelling reason not to), but REDUCES the amount of 'stuff' impeding my enjoyment of the beautiful World (of Warcraft). Also, lately I've been playing on a big-screen TV using a Steam Controller, which means I'm especially interested in mods that are 'big picture'-friendly. That may run contrary to the goal of getting less stuff on the screen, since things tend to need to be larger to be visible that way. But I know the right balance is out there somewhere!

Best Wow Ui Screenshots

Anyway, I've seen a few screenshots from people who have really slick, streamlined UIs, and always wondered what mods they were using. So, I thought I'd put feelers out to see what mods people like to use! Post your favorite(s); screen caps are a big plus! TL;DR: Looking for inspiration for a fresh new UI for Legion. Post favorite mods, reasons you like, pics if you can. 01:57 PMPosted by i like dominos.

I've used Dominos forever but it's not a UI mod. Just a bar mod. OP should go to Maco & UI Forum or look at the compilation page on Curse or for ideas.

Understand that when Legion launches, most of your addons will break and if you have any that are not being actively updated by the author, you'll have a mess on your hands. The major addons should have updates on day one or shortly thereafter. Maybe better to wait til the xpac to do any major UI changes.

01:15 PMPosted by Screenshots of your current UI please. LUI is pretty cool, I was having a few weird issues with it though so I had to swap to ElvUI. LUI: ElvUI: Tell me what you want changed about your UI and I should be able to suggest some good addons for it. Those do look nice, I'll check them out, thanks! As for screens of my current UI, will post later - not at my home comp at the moment. But like I said, it's basically just the Blizz UI with some raid frames slapped on and Recount hiding in the corner.

01:57 PMPosted by i like dominos. I've used Dominos forever but it's not a UI mod. Just a bar mod.

OP should go to Maco & UI Forum or look at the compilation page on Curse or for ideas. Understand that when Legion launches, most of your addons will break and if you have any that are not being actively updated by the author, you'll have a mess on your hands. The major addons should have updates on day one or shortly thereafter. Maybe better to wait til the xpac to do any major UI changes. Yeah, perhaps. But I'm hoping folks will recommend mods whose authors they know are still active/intend to be active in the upcoming expansion. I've used some obscure ones in the past that have died off, but things like (for example) Recount aren't going anywhere.

Best Wow Ui Compilations Youtube

Anyway, if I have to re-do it all after launch that's fine, but I thought I'd get a jump on it beforehand so that I can focus on actually playing when Legion launches rather than spending an evening tweaking stuff. 02:45 PMPosted by Anyway, if I have to re-do it all after launch that's fine, but I thought I'd get a jump on it beforehand so that I can focus on actually playing when Legion launches rather than spending an evening tweaking stuff. It's fine to get something together now and play around with them. I've downloaded compilations and ended up with pretty much the same UI since I like this bar mod better and I gotta have that thing - so ends up My Way. Good to prepare but you.will.

spend an evening tweaking stuff. We addon users always do. Just discussing the 'work' involved. Have fun with it!

Best Wow Ui Compilations

All right, here it is currently in a raid setting, as a healer: Everything looks extra-big, but that's sorta on purpose. As I mentioned, this has been scaled for a big screen, to be looked at from the couch. Nonetheless, there are elements I think could be streamlined. I don't really need the stone griffons framing my action bars, for instance. No real reason for my character portrait to be taking up all that space in the top left, either, that I can think of (or at least, if it's gonna be on there, let it be somewhere closer to the action, and smaller, so I get easier visual access to the info).

I could live with a smaller chat panel, too (but not a smaller font) - I only need to see a couple of lines of what's been said, for the most part. Stuff like that! For your bars, Dominos and Bartender are both great addons. ElvUI also comes with their own bar sets. You can get rid of the gryphons that way and and scale the bars however you want. You can use an addon called Masque to change how your buttons look too and give them different shading. It works with Dominos/Bartender/ElvUI.

For your character/target frame I would suggest moving them down if possible. This is very common because it brings your health into your center of vision and makes it easier to track. This is my holy paladin's UI: The cast bar below my health/target frames is mine, the top one is target. I like it this way because it's out of the way but still visible. A lot of character frame/target frame addons can superimpose an overlay of your character on the healthbars too if you want. Some noteworthy addons for health frames are Stuf and oUF. ElvUI has their own and LUI uses oUF.


Cast bars are able to modified through a few addons. Stuf has their own, oUF has their own, ElvUI has their own, and a very good standalone addon is Gnosis. A few chat addons to look into would be WIM (Warcraft Instant Messenger), Prat, and Chatter. ElvUI has their own. If you have any other stuff you're interested in let me know.

10:26 PMPosted by For your bars, Dominos and Bartender are both great addons. ElvUI also comes with their own bar sets. You can get rid of the gryphons that way and and scale the bars however you want. You can use an addon called Masque to change how your buttons look too and give them different shading. It works with Dominos/Bartender/ElvUI. For your character/target frame I would suggest moving them down if possible. This is very common because it brings your health into your center of vision and makes it easier to track.

This is my holy paladin's UI: The cast bar below my health/target frames is mine, the top one is target. I like it this way because it's out of the way but still visible. A lot of character frame/target frame addons can superimpose an overlay of your character on the healthbars too if you want.

Some noteworthy addons for health frames are Stuf and oUF. ElvUI has their own and LUI uses oUF. Cast bars are able to modified through a few addons. Stuf has their own, oUF has their own, ElvUI has their own, and a very good standalone addon is Gnosis.

Blades of the fallen prince hidden skin on pc. A few chat addons to look into would be WIM (Warcraft Instant Messenger), Prat, and Chatter. ElvUI has their own. If you have any other stuff you're interested in let me know. I'm late on responding, but this is AWESOME!

I love your layout - will definitely take a few of these ideas. Thanks so much for taking the time! This is a UI I built with WeakAuras2 and KG panels. Not healer friendly as I am a DPS, but it shows the possibilities. (Mind the triple wide UI, it was when I was using 3 screens in Eyefinity.) Current UI, built with WeakAuras2 and ElvUI. (With Chatter, Details meters, and some little addons here and there.) KG panels isn't really needed if you have WeakAuras2, since you can do pretty much the same things.

(I found this out after I built the first one. Though Kg had some nice designs you could use, but is a lot harder to add custom panels.). 10:26 PMPosted by For your character/target frame I would suggest moving them down if possible. This is very common because it brings your health into your center of vision and makes it easier to track. I have a WeakAura that I think is a great way to track your health. It is a health bar that is the size of your screen, yet invisible until you start taking damage.

Wow Ui Packages

Then it is a transparent-ish red bar that looks like a normal health bar. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like at less than half health. Here is the WeakAuras2 code string for it if anyone is interested.

12:59 PMPosted by I've been thinking about giving my UI a makeover for Legion, since I've basically used the same combo since WotLK (VuhDo for healing/raid frames, tweaked to be vaguely Grid-like, Quartz, Recount, BadKitty for feral. Got MonkTimers for my WW monk when that became a thing) and the transition to 7.0 seemed like a good time to reevaluate. My combo has served me fine, granted, but it's basically just Blizz's UI + some stuff. It does nothing to reduce screen clutter; it does the opposite, really, but does provide the additional information I feel I need to be effective. So, I'd like to see if I can get a UI combo going that does both things better: provides the info I need to be effective (good raid frames are a must, and I'll probably keep VuhDo unless there's a compelling reason not to), but REDUCES the amount of 'stuff' impeding my enjoyment of the beautiful World (of Warcraft). Also, lately I've been playing on a big-screen TV using a Steam Controller, which means I'm especially interested in mods that are 'big picture'-friendly.

That may run contrary to the goal of getting less stuff on the screen, since things tend to need to be larger to be visible that way. But I know the right balance is out there somewhere! Anyway, I've seen a few screenshots from people who have really slick, streamlined UIs, and always wondered what mods they were using. So, I thought I'd put feelers out to see what mods people like to use! Post your favorite(s); screen caps are a big plus!

TL;DR: Looking for inspiration for a fresh new UI for Legion. Post favorite mods, reasons you like, pics if you can. You might like this one. I just found it on curse.

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