Windows 98 Iso With Usb Support


I believe Windows 98 Second Edition introduced support for USB devices. So if your guest is the original Windows 98, it will not support USB devices. I never really used Windows 98 much but I remember even with Windows 2000/XP, the early support for USB devices was sometimes hit-or-miss (the one where the icon become outlined in black).

Is it theoretically possible to implement support for the NTFS format under Windows 98/SE/ME? And if it is possible, then why hasn't someone taken this up yet?

By 'implement' I mean full integration - full read/write access in a way such that it is almost indestinguishable to Windows from a FAT-32 partition. And by 'support' I mean 80% or more of the NTFS functionality available in Windows 2000.I do know there are a number of applications available and projects underway to provide support for NTFS in other operating systems and some have been around for several years. Some examples would be, which is a stable, open source, freely available read/write NTFS driver for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, NetBSD, and Haiku. And there's, which is an open source project to add NTFS support to the Linux kernel.With regard to the problems of NTFS compatibility on older Windows, this explains. While the different NTFS versions have a great degree of both forward and backward compatibility, there are technical considerations for mounting newer NTFS volumes in older versions of Windows. This affects dual-booting, and external portable hard drives.For example, 'Previous Versions' (a.k.a.

Volume Shadow Copy) are lost because the older OS doesn't understand how to keep the new features' data updated.Still, there are several different software packages available which provides NTFS support for the Windows 98 series:DiskInternals (Sysinternals)Paragon The first two links above are for freeware. However, the second two are commercial products. And they can be rather pricey. ($79 or more?! ) In some cases the software only allows reading and/or writing of files through an explorer-like interface, but some have more to offer.

I noticed one of the commercial products claims 'NTFS drives behave just like regular FAT and FAT32 drives.' Unfortunately, several of these packages require files from either Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 in order to work.BTW: One of the freeware solutions above is originally from a website called ' and a company called '.' However, the company was bought out by Microsoft a couple years ago and several of their free programs have been removed from the site, including the NTFS for Windows 98 software. (So now we have to dig around for old copies.)Anyway, if it is possible to implement NTFS into Windows 98 itself (through a major hack), I doubt it could support the extra file security that NT/2K/XP boasts. But it seems the biggest obstacle to such an implementation is the fact that the Windows 98 OS is still actually MS-DOS underneath. So it seems that NTFS support would have to be provided on the DOS level first, before Windows boots.From an archived copy of the original description of their program I found Do not convert your first partition, or your Windows 95/98 boot partition (the one with windows on it), to NTFS as there is no support in Windows 95 or Windows 98 for reading NTFS drives during the boot sequence.I do think it is technically possible to integrate at least partial support for NTFS to the Windows 9x family, but it would be a lot of work.

To start with, I think you'd need a DOS implementation of NTFS.I was thinking about the possibility of installing FreeDOS underneath Windows 98, thinking that perhaps the FreeDOS team may have implemented NTFS already. But then I read this:Wikipedia. There is no planned support for NTFS or ext2, but there are several external third-party drivers available for that purpose. To access ext2fs, LTOOLS (counterpart to MTOOLS) can be used to copy data to and from ext2fs drives. NTFS support is provided by products such as NTFSDOS and NTFS4DOS.Once I read that, I vaguely recalled reading about such products several years ago.Wikipedia This, however, was another product of.

Microsoft bought them out recently and this was another program that was removed from their website. It is now considered abandonware. Winternals was acquired by Microsoft mid 2006.

Microsoft has removed any traces of NTFSDOS, NTFSDOS Tools and NTFSDOS Professional from the new internal site of Microsoft's Winternals' utilities.Avira This company does provide a 'Personal' edition as freeware, provided it is only for personal use. And it does allow both reading from and writing to NTFS partitions. Though I'm not sure of the extent of its functionality.

For the business environment they are selling their 'Premium' edition. Their site says it 'has the same functional range as the Personal version,' so I wonder if this means the Personal version has nearly the same features. Edited January 12, 2008 by bsperan. Reading NTFS from DOS (updated)May 19 2002 by jhallEnricoB sent me this note about reading NTFS from DOS: I have searched for a NTFS driver for DOS and have found it.

Windows 98 se usb driver

It's under the GNU GPL and a port from Linux to DOS. I can't find the maintainer. Can you post this program at your page? May be the old maintainer contacts you or we search for a new maintainer. I have temporarily uploaded it at.I have also mirrored a copy of this at.Update 2002-05-20: Several readers wrote in about this one, including Sebastien, W0rm, and Rich Green.

Christophe simply moved his page, he's still around and he's still working on the open source NTFS utils:.Update 2002-05-25: To answer several questions I've received: yes, this is reported to work. Micheal Kallas wrote: Yes, I tested it once with FreeDOS. However, it didn't really work on one PC (either Compaq or HP, don't remember exactly) which had a proprietary partition at /dev/hda1 (first primary).Perhaps it would be possible to compile NTFS-3G to work under MS-DOS and Windows 98? If not, it has already been shown to work under FreeDOS, provided it is properly compiled. Download virtual dj pro 7 free for pc full version.

And while FreeDOS by itself may not be able to replace MS-DOS under Windows, it can run alongside MS-DOS. And with additional free software, FreeDOS can support Win32 applications - including limited support for Windows.On the. FreeDOS-32 is a separate project with different goals. FreeDOS aims to recreate MS-DOS, both features and general limitations. FreeDOS-32 aspires to extend and improve on that base. FreeDOS-32 can be run on top of FreeDOS or another member of the DOS family.Unfortunately, looking at, it seems they're still in the pre-beta stage and the last update to their news archive appears to be from December of 2005.Still, it looks like open-source solutions for NTFS integration into DOS are available.

So what's stopping Windows 98 integration? Edited January 12, 2008 by bsperan. There's one way to boot 9x from NTFS: grub loader for DOS. It provides emulated hard disk or floppy drive image to boot from via int 13h, from FAT or NTFS. Then, in theory, some Windows 9x NTFS driver will load itself and disable int 13h hook. And on shutdown, it will write updated registry back into image.

However, with existing tools, it is a hard and unreliable solution.Well, at least I now know it is possible. You said that '.in theory, some Windows 9x NTFS driver will load itself and disable int 13h hook. And on shutdown, it will write updated registry back into image.' Could you be more specific on how this might be accomplished? Is it just a matter of properly setting up say, NTFS for Windows 98, and the grub loader? Already using NTFS for Win98, all i'd like to have is a way to de/compress files (some Win9x variant of compact.exe from XP would do) and to create/delete hardlinks.

This on data partitions of course, no need to use NTFS on the C: drive.I have a desire to see NTFS used on the C: drive. If this could be easily demonstrated as feasible, then perhaps it would be possible for 'KernelEx' or a similar project to one day more thorougly and accurately integrate support for XP applications. Some XP applications require support for NTFS and will not function without this. Well, installable file systems have existed since Windows for Workgroups 3.11!

The possibility exists to implement protected mode support for virtually any file system type, including of course the NTFS (without advanced functions, security etc. Which are not covered by the Windows 9x API).

Small problem: since MS did not want to do it for obvious reasons (differentiate NT 'professional grade' OS from home OS), you have to doo it yourself (and with very little documention at that).Third party support for NTFS in Windows 9x /exists/, it is (was) a commercial product from Wininternals/Sysinternals.This said, like the other responder said, if FAT32 does not satisfy your needs, why would you want a proprietary file system like NTFS? Much more interesting and useful as an IFS would be Ext2FS (Ext3FS without the journaling). But don't hold your breath, I don't think anybody's going to implement, code and test a full IFS on Win 9x in this century.Cheers-Ninho. Third party support for NTFS in Windows 9x /exists/, it is (was) a commercial product from Wininternals/Sysinternals.Yes, I've already mentioned (and provided links) for both 'NTFS for Windows 98' and 'NTFSDOS' (for DOS). However, again, neither of these program solutions will provide what I'm looking for.

Furthermore:1) Winternals Software is no longer providing any support for these products. In fact the company was bought by Microsoft and has since removed all traces of these. Try and you will see that you end up at a page instead.2) While both DiskInternals' 'NTFS for Windows 98' and Winternals' 'NTFS for Windows 98' are/were available as free downloads, neither of the free versions provide write access.

These function as read-only. And, obviously, they don't provide full integration into Windows 98. Even the commercial products do not provide full integration.

This said, like the other responder said, if FAT32 does not satisfy your needs, why would you want a proprietary file system like NTFS? Much more interesting and useful as an IFS would be Ext2FS (Ext3FS without the journaling). But don't hold your breath, I don't think anybody's going to implement, code and test a full IFS on Win 9x in this century.Admittedly, the Win9x family is considered not only obsolete, but very obsolete by many. I don't see many new commercial software packages or hardware targeted for Window 9x anymore. (Probably none at all.) However, there are still many millions of Windows 9x users worldwide.

And the many amazing member projects here on MSFN and elsewhere shows that, while official support for Windows 9x has been dropped, users do and will continue to develop their own support and software for the OS they love.Besides, if someone did implement and code a full IFS for Win9x, I'm sure they would not have to test and debug all on their own. There would be plenty of us willing to test and write bug reports for them.Why the interest in NTFS for Win9x? I've got several reasons:1) Some of us prefer the lightweight footprint, speed, and familiarity that the Windows 98 family provides over the sluggish, cumbersome, resource-hog that is Windows XP and especially Windows Vista.

And then there's the whole matter of security flaws and trust of XP/Vista. And some of us can still find a great deal of use left in old, obsolete systems. Such old PCs may not be able to run Vista adequately, but they are more than capable of running Windows 98 - with plenty of horsepower left for Win9x apps. Unfortunately, all new computers come installed with XP or Vista.

Increasingly, even XP is hard to find as it seems like most everyone is forced into Vista. And, remember, both XP and Vista rely on the NTFS file system.You see, some of us often find ourselves in need of a method of transferring files and other data between a Windows 98/SE/ME machine and an NT/2000/XP or Vista machine. Say you have a friend that came over with his laptop and you want to exchange a lot of large files without burning CDs or DVDs or repeatedly swapping your USB data stick? Or perhaps your friend's new 4 GB USB data stick is not supported in Windows 9x? (I'm quite familiar with both situations.) Or perhaps you are the one who purchased a new Vista/XP laptop and you need a way to share files with your Windows 98 machine(s)?2) As I mentioned earlier, if full integration of NTFS in Windows 9x is made possible (without the use of an expensive commercial product), then it may be possible for a project such as 'KernelEx' to more thorougly emulate and support XP applications in Windows 98 (via a kernel replacement). Wouldn't that be cool?!Perhaps NTFS is not a perfect file system, and perhaps a Win9x implementation would not be able to support the security features and extras that 2000/XP/Vista natively sports, and for all I know Linux's ext2/ext3 file system may be enormously more efficient and more secure.

However, all this is beside the point. NTFS for Windows 9x support would enable more compatibility and ease of file sharing between Win9x and the more 'modern' OS's. And, while not perfect, NTFS is widely regarded as being more secure and superior to FAT16 and FAT32 in several different ways. Project implements the first full read/write free access to NTFS disk drives.

You can mount your Microsoft Windows NT, 200x or XP partition as a transparently accessible volume for your GNU/Linux.This compatibility was achieved in the Wine way by using the original Microsoft Windows ntfs.sys driver. It emulates the required subsystems of the Microsoft Windows kernel by reusing one of the original ntoskrnl.exe, ReactOS parts, or this project's own reimplementations, on a case by case basis.

Project includes the first open source MS-Windows kernel API for Free operating systems. Involvement of the original driver files was chosen to achieve the best and unprecedented filesystem compatibility and safety.Admittedly, this is NTFS support for Linux. And while they did succeed in full implementation, the project appears to no longer be maintained. Though, the source code is still available.

I thought it was interesting that they implemented this via WINE, which is the Linux Windows emulator program. Perhaps it would be possible to modify this into a hack to get NTFS support for Win9x? Though, again, a person would still need the original Windows ntfs.sys driver file in order for this to work. Perhaps NTFS is not a perfect file system, and perhaps a Win9x implementation would not be able to support the security features and extras that 2000/XP/Vista natively sports, and for all I know Linux's ext2/ext3 file system may be enormously more efficient and more secure. However, all this is beside the point. NTFS for Windows 9x support would enable more compatibility and ease of file sharing between Win9x and the more 'modern' OS's. And, while not perfect, NTFS is widely regarded as being more secure and superior to FAT16 and FAT32 in several different ways.The 'security' of NTFS is useful only if the operating system can use the permissions features.

9x cannot, and probably never will, be able to implement those types of partitions. Even Linux, with a comparable security model, currently does not. It sets all permissions to Administrator.

Not too much of a problem, since most XP users are administrators anyway, but it's still not a good way to do things.Plus, NTFS has something called 'streams'. Data can be hidden in a stream in a way that is almost undetectable.

When you open a file with hidden streams, it can load up a sort of 'trojan horse.' Third party support for NTFS in Windows 9x /exists/, it is (was) a commercial product from Wininternals/Sysinternals.Yes, I've already mentioned (and provided links) for both 'NTFS for Windows 98' and 'NTFSDOS' (for DOS). However, again, neither of these program solutions will provide what I'm looking for.Even the commercial products do not provide full integration.Sorry, I am listening, you are not!

NTFS for Windows 9x, by Winternals (Mark Russinovich, now with Microsoft) - was a full IFS, read/write. (The free demo was crippled to read-only).


Windows 98 Iso With Usb Support Windows 7

DOSNTFS, from the same author, is a different hack by the way: a rescue system, not a Windows IFS.I am well aware these are no more supported, but they are available from the web - the free versions, and (if you want to check my assertions, for educational purposes only) the for-pay versions can be found also. I did test years ago, and deleted the 'warez' after testing. But I kept NTFSDOS (the free trial, hacked for read-write by myself for my own use) on diskettes as a souvenir. We have Bart PE nowadays, and NTFS access from Linux.Anyway, my point is full NTFS support in windows 95 is feasible, as demonstrated by the ex- Winternals. If you want to redo it from scratch, great! My other point, which you may disagree, is that apart for the beauty of the exercise, that effort would be rather moot in the 21st century.

If you multi-boot, access your NTFS partition(s) from the OSes that can do so natively, and/or from Linux; if you have only Win 9x installed on that machine, why would you want an NTFS to begin with?Cheers,-Ninho.

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