How To Install The Aether Mod

Make sure you are not running Minecraft when installing this mod. Make sure the version of the mod you download matches the version of Minecraft you are using. Make sure you have installed the dependency mod Forge, PlayerCoreAPI, ThreadedLightning and that Minecraft works. Choose your version and download Aether II from here.
1987 dodge xplorer campervan. Aether II Mod 1.14.2/1.13.2/1.12.2 is an amazing mod that adds a new dimension with many items, blocks and tools for Minecraft 1.14.2 Certainly one of the best mod for Minecraft dimension.How are you going to conquer dungeons with your friends without having a way to meet? The Aether II mod is built on the Minecraft Forge API, allowing an easy way to create and manage multiplayer servers Aether!Players who went to the Nether in Minecraft know it’s a dark and dangerous place, full of deadly falls and pools of molten lava, not to mention a slew of nasty enemies wanting to rip the head of the player. In addition to the normal world and The End, The Nether is one of the only areas to explore in the game, which is relatively little for a so innovative game.The Aether 2 is a that adds a whole new area, which is like heaven, for lack of a better word. There are beautiful sky, the whole landscape with beautiful colors, different plants, flowers and trees and even new mobs, including angels and other winged villains.The tools of the normal minecraft world have low efficiency in harvesting and mining blocks in the Aether, so use your hands to crafting would be faster than using diamond tools. Normal torches and fire can not be used in Aether, although the water brought from the upper world works properly.

How To Install The Aether Mod
This way you are limited to using the tools properly created in the Aether, is a new experience to the game.When a player falls from a Aether island they will not fall into the void, instead they will leave the Aether and be generated on top of its original portal in the sky in the normal world and fall straight down, so that is advised to put water around your portal or they will die from fall damage.