Removable Drive (8gb) Virus
The Shortcut VirusThe shortcut virus is a frustrating piece of malware that replaces all files in a storage device with shortcuts. These shortcuts have the same names as the files, but the files are inaccessible. In fact, when you click the shortcuts, the virus only embeds itself deeper into the storage device. Your USB hard drive, SD card, hard drive, or other devices become infected with the shortcut virus when they are connected to another device that already has the virus. Additionally, in the case of a computer's hard drive, it can become infected by running a.exe file that contains the virus.
USB drives and other removable, portable media devices are mostly self starting and may bypass firewalls, virus scans, password protection, and other measures, when plugged in. True If a computer disc contains Secret, Top Secret, and Unclassified information it should be labeled.
Shortcut Virus Removal with Command PromptIn order to access your files on an infected device, you should first remove the shortcut virus from the USB drive, SD card, or hard drive. Formatting is a simple method to clean out the shortcut virus, but you will lose all of the data on your device. Fortunately, there is another relatively simple method that will allow you to remove the shortcut virus completely for free—using the Windows built-in Command Prompt (cmd).By using cmd, you can completely remove the shortcut virus from a USB flash drive, SD card, or other removable storage devices. If your computer’s hard drive is also infected with the shortcut virus, you can use this method to get rid of the virus files, but must additionally remove shortcut virus processes from the registry to prevent the virus from reappearing. Is covered in an associated article. Remove Shortcut Virus from Removable Storage Devices with cmd. Warning Be careful when using cmd.
If you are not sure how to operate the command line, only enter commands from trusted sources. Improper use of cmd can result in serious damage to your system.
Step 1: Right-click on 'Start' and select 'Command Prompt (Admin)'. Step 2: Sign in with your administrator account and password if the system asks. Step 3: Type: attrib -h - r -s /s /d D:.
and hit Enter. (Replace D: with the drive letter of your infected device). Step 4: Type: del autorun.inf and hit Enter.If this didn’t work, you are likely infected by another virus. Replace autorun.inf with another virus extension such or.exe to delete these suspicious files.By now, you should have successfully removed the shortcut virus from your USB flash drive, pen drive, or SD card using cmd.
This method is preferred over formatting your device because it can get rid of the virus without wiping all of your files. But using cmd in this manner can sometimes result in minor data loss, so it is recommended to check your device for any missing files. This process is made easy by using automated to scan your device and locate deleted files.
Supplemental: recover data after removing shortcut virusEaseUS file recovery software scans deep into the data blocks of your storage device and locates any recoverable files that were lost due to deletion, formatting, or other errors. The scan is completely free, so you have nothing to lose by checking your drive for missing files. You’ll be able to view all recoverable files and preview the quality of the data before recovering. In fact, if you only have a small number of lost files, you can recover them for free with. Why cannot I recover 2GB data for free?It is recommended to check the version installed is Free or Trial because they are different versions.Trial has data preview function but cannot save any files, while the version enables to recover 2 GB files. The default free space is 500 MB and you may share the product on social media to get another 1.5 GB. Why cannot the recovered files be opened?A file is saved as 2 parts on the storage device: directory info (which is comprised by file name, time stamp and size info, etc.) and data content.If the files with original file names and folder structures cannot be opened, one possible reason is the corrupted directory info.
There is still a chance to recover the data content with the method in our software. Why isn't it suggested to recover the files back to the original drive?The storage structure of the lost files would be altered or damaged by any changes on the drive. If you save the recovered files back to the same drive, the original data structures and data content would be corrupted or overwritten, which causes permanent data loss. So you should prepare another disk to save the files.
How can I check whether my data is recoverable or not before purchase?The version helps you save 2GB files to better verify the recovery quality of our product before purchase. How long does it take to scan the drive?It strongly depends on the capacity of your hard drive and the performance of your computer. As reference,most drive recoveries can be completed in around 10 to 12 hours for a 1-TB healthy hard drive in general conditions.
Why cannot I recover 2GB data for free?It is recommended to check the version installed is Free or Trial because they are different versions. Trial has data preview function but cannot save any files, while the version enables to recover 2 GB files. Why cannot the recovered files be opened?A file is saved as 2 parts on the storage device: directory info (which is comprised by file name, time stamp and size info, etc.) and data content.
If the files with original file names and folder structures cannot be opened, one possible reason is the corrupted directory info. There is still a chance to recover the data content with the method in our software. Why isn't it suggested to recover the files back to the original drive?The storage structure of the lost files would be altered or damaged by any changes on the drive. If you save the recovered files back to the same drive, the original data structures and data content would be corrupted or overwritten, which causes permanent data loss.
So you should prepare another disk to save the files. How can I check whether my data is recoverable or not before purchase?The version helps you save 2GB files to better verify the recovery quality of our product before purchase. How long does it take to scan the drive?It strongly depends on the capacity of your hard drive and the performance of your computer.
As reference,most drive recoveries can be completed in around 10 to 12 hours for a 1-TB healthy hard drive in general conditions.Put the lost files back into your hands in only 3 steps. Don't wait as your files won't.
With each new version of Windows, Microsoft is making it harder for hackers and crackers to hack into Windows. Windows has also become less vulnerable to viruses and other malware by default as Microsoft has added securities like a built-in antivirus program and blocking removable media auto run functionality until selects to do so etc. But most people still fall prey to USB viruses because they attack automatically when a USB drive is inserted and auto-run is turned on. The best way to avoid viruses and keep yourself safe is to educate yourself about how computers work and how to keep it secure. In this article, we will go through the solution to completely remove pendrive shortcut virus from our USB drive and our Windows computer.
Symptoms and behavior of Pendrive shortcut virusLately I have been asked about the pen drive shortcut virus by quite a few people including users of iTechtics through the comments on other articles. The symptom of this virus is that all the folders you copy to your USB drive will be converted to shortcuts. If you double click the shortcut, it will open the same folder in a new window.At first I didn’t take it serious until I came across an infected system myself. If you go to Google Search and search for a solution to pen drive shortcut virus, you will be greeted with a lot of pages with almost the same sort of solution. A batch file is being shared across all the pages that I came across.
The batch file simply does three things; unhide all the files in the USB drive, delete all the shortcuts in the USB drive and delete two files called fypuas.exe and fypuasx.exe. While this is a solution, it is not a permanent solution as it will only last until the computer is restarted. If you restart your computer and insert your USB drive again, it will show the same behavior as discussed above. Fixing Pendrive shortcut virus issue permanentlyBefore going through the steps to delete this virus from your system, let me give you a brief overview of what this virus does. This will make it easier for us to understand and solve the problem. This virus surfaced in 2010 and has been around with different names since then.
It injects itself to system startup, creates a few executable files inside the USB drive which look like shortcuts, hides the original folders and files inside the USB drive, copies itself into the profile folder of the current user and connects to an outside computer.If you right click any shortcut folder inside your USB drive and go to Properties, you will be able to confirm that this is actually not a shortcut but properties of an executable file. Now let’s go through removing the shortcut virus step by step. and install it on your computer. Scan your computer with Hijackthis and preferably save the log file. Hijackthis gives your a list of entries with codes at the start of each line. Each code has a meaning. We need to look at the entries with code ’04’.
These are the entries which are executed when a user is logged into the computer. These entries will display startup items for all the users in the computer.
Removable Drive (8gb) Shortcut Virus
Make sure you delete all entries which have the following file names inside them: fypuas.exe and fypuasx.exe. Now open your Task Manager. Under Processes, make sure no process is running under the name fypuas.exe and fypuasx.exe. Now go to your profile home folder (Run –%HOMEPATH%), delete all files named fypuas.exe and fypuasx.exeHopefully the above steps will cleanup our system from the pendrive shortcut virus. Now let’s clean our USB drives and restore our data. Open command prompt (Run – cmd) and go to your USB drive. For example, if my USB drive is E drive, I’ll need to type E: and hit the enter key.
This will take me to the USB drive inside the command prompt. Run the following command:del.lnkThis will delete all files with the extension of a shortcut.
Now run the following command:attrib -h -r -s /s /d E:.This command will remove the following attributes from all files inside the USB drive; hidden, read-only, system.Following these steps should remove the virus from the USB drive completely. If you open your USB drive folder from Windows Explorer, you will be able to see all your files and folders restored inside the USB drive.After removing this virus, you should scan your system with a good antivirus so that it may be able to detect and remove traces of any virus inside your computer. You will be able to. If you are still having problems with this malware even after going through all these steps, please let me know through comments and we can find a solution to your specific problem together.Must Read Articles:. SIR KINDLY HELP ME TO FIX MY PROBLEMas am having some important data on my pen-drive,which is required very soon,when am trying to open my pen-drive a short cut is coming with a following message.
RunDLL There was a problem with starting. Y6Woua8YEm CUIawaslyGoUua0Eukc2iGgumoQiGC2A0YEw.
THE SPECIFIC MODULE CANNOT FOUND. PLEASE HELP ME HOW TO REMOVE IT AND SAVE MY DATA.WAITING EAGRLY FOR YOUR REPLAY.THANKS.Please send a detail explanation for this,as am not so much familiare with this.YGR. After trying all procedures found in different forums blah blah, as of April 8th 2015, installing many maleware, antivirus soft, etc. The following is theprocedure that worked for me and I recommend you to try before intalling too many unnecessary software.If you do not know what CMD is.then quit here, or just ask any kid or basic computer knowledgeable person to read this and do it for you.To CHECK you have this virus try START - msconfig - it will automatically close you won’t be able to even keep the window openNOW RESTART WINDOWSstart in safe mode with network capabilities (restart - F8) If you can´t then start windows normally and unplug you pc power cord. I too have had the same infection. But I had to spend a few minutes to completely remove this virus from my PC and pen drive.
Here are the thing what I did I firstly installed Eset NOD32 Antivirus 6 program on my PC. Then Activated it using User Name and Password. Then, updated it.
Then, I inserted my pen drive to the PC and scanned both the PC and pen drive completely. Then, I saw that the shortcuts were deleted as they were detected as viruses. Then, using the command prompt I removed the hidden attribute of all the files and folders which were in my pen drive. The problem was solved.