Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement

ChallengeThe installation of offshore wind farms is complex, risky and expensive. The installation activities currently underway at the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm (ROWF) off the Sussex Coastline, are no exception to this.Installation of ROWF’s foundations commenced early in 2016 and operations were organised into two campaigns to accommodate environmental sensitivities. During the first installation phase, ROWF experienced extremely poor weather. As a result of these unusual conditions, ROWF needed to act to help guide the project to complete on schedule.

To do this, they needed reliable evidence that could be used to support their decision making and justify their decisions to investors.During the second installation campaign, we were commissioned to apply our ForeCoast ® Marine software to help make these strategic decisions. The software considers weather and vessel strategies and helps forecast and monitor construction progress on a weekly basis. SolutionSupport was provided by the ForeCoast ® Marine Gamer Mode module. This is a sophisticated decision making tool allowing complex marine projects to be simulated in a virtual world.The Gamer Mode allows the user to play out the planned operations in a game like environment, identifying the key risks to a sequence of operations. It can also compare various strategies with one another such that refinements can be made to help design out weather sensitivity.

19th July 2016: Rampion Offshore Wind Turbine Construction Noise; July 2014 update: The Secretary. Rampion statement on noise - August 2016 (1,046 KB ). Jul 12, 2013 - proposing to construct an offshore wind farm off the Sussex coast. NTS.1.5 The findings of the EIA are reported in the Environmental.

Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Template

The model can also be run on a regular basis to re-project the installation schedule. This is based on the progress made to date and known operational constraints. BenefitThe Gamer Mode has allowed the ROWF team to compare several strategies, including:. The cost benefits of a variety of vessel combinations for assisting the wind turbine installations.

We have an impressive track record in relation to delivering strategic hydrometric studies:. From January 2007 to September 2010, we carried out an extensive national review of the hydrometric network in England and Wales on behalf of the Environment Agency. The work was undertaken in two phases: i) River Gauging Network, ii) Rainfall Gauging Network. As well as a comprehensive review of the existing network and assessment of requirements to meet future initiatives, software tools for and guidance on network management were developed. From September 2008 to June 2010 we carried out a strategic review of Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring networks operated by the Office of Public Works in Ireland.

All the data we collect and supply undergoes strict validation and data assurance processes before use/issue. We offer a spot gauging service using our own Valeport Model 801 Electromagnetic Open Channel Flow Meter, which we operate in accordance with BS EN ISO 748:2007 and which undergoes calibration every three years by the manufacturer.

Recognising those situations where specialist equipment is needed we also have expertise with hired instrumentation including OTT’s QLiner, Sontek’s RiverSurveyor and FlowTracker devices and RD’s Stream Pro ADCP.We have carried out flow gauging for Natural Resources Wales, Essex and Suffolk Water, National Trust and Irwell Rivers Trust, Aire Rivers Trust, South East Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency as well as private clients (e.g. In support of hydropower assessments, abstraction licence applications, internal drainage boards/water level management plans).Our team is highly experienced in the development of new, and in the reviewing of existing Stage-Discharge and Velocity-Index ratings. We use our innovative in-house applications to aid hydrometric data review and analysis. To date we have derived over 100 new stage-discharge ratings on behalf of the Environment Agency. We also run training courses on the topic of extrapolation of high flow ratings and use of modelling to extend high flow rating limbs.x. Whilst the primary responsibility for delivering water and wastewater services lies with the water companies, Local Planning Authorities can use the planning system to promote solutions which contribute to improving the management of water and provide other benefits, including:. Catchment Based Approaches and nutrient trading schemes to manage diffuse pollution.


Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Examples

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) on new-builds and retrofit, including surface water disconnection for combined sewers to create capacity for development. Rainwater harvesting to reduce water demand in water-stressed areas.x.

First Offshore Wind Farm

E.ON Climate and Renewables UK Rampion Offshore Wind Limited (EC&R) is proposing the development of the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, located off the Sussex coast. As a nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) and, owing to the size and nature of the project, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be produced in accordance with the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009. EC&R has commissioned RSK Environment (RSK) as ‘lead EIA consultants’.This document is a scoping report prepared to support a request for a scoping opinion from the Infrastructure Planning Commission (the Commission). This process will also provide feedback on any additional information given in the Environmental Statement (ES) in support of an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to be submitted in due course to the Commission for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm.

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