Fallout 4 Best Faction To Join

  1. Fallout 4 Faction Rewards
  2. Fallout 4 Factions Pros And Cons

I'm currently a member of four different factions, some of which don't get along at all. I'm wondering at which point I have to decide between the different factions.The factions I've found so far and that I have joined are:. Minuteman. Brotherhood of Steel. The Railroad.

Fallout 4 Faction Rewards

Fallout 4 which faction

For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'We can all agree that the best faction to join is.' Fallout 4 offers four key factions that can be joined, each with their own quests, items, story, characters, and experiences. The question that every player will find themselves asking is 'Which faction is the best?'

The InstituteHow long can I continue doing missions for each one of them, without affecting my standing with the other factions?I'd appreciate an answer that avoids unnecessary spoilers, I just want to know enough to recognize when I approach a point where I have to decide between the factions. The Molecular Level quest both is and isn't a point of no return, fundamentally it requires you to make a choice - what you do need to consider is that speaking to a faction will provide you the infiltration quest for the Institute but also make the equivalent quest for the other factions unavailable.

Fallout 4 Factions Pros And Cons

It is possible to reconnect with the factions you didn't choose after completing Institutionalized though.The game is seemingly inconsistent in warning you when you're about to make permanent changes to your faction reputations.In the case of the Institute quest line, speaking to Allie to start the Mass Fusion quest will pop up a nice warning stating you're about to become permanently hostile to the Brotherhood of Steel. There isn't a subsequent warning when you do the same to the Railroad, you'll just get lots of failed quest spam if you've got quests outstanding but in fairness, the mission is specifically to kill the Railroad so.For the Railroad, I believe the switch occurs silently at the start of the quest Precipice of War.

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