C33 License Exam Practice Test


Was wondering if anyone used a specific study guide to help them pass the test, and whether or not it was helpful to them. PDCA has a book that covers all of the topics used by the CSLB for the C-33 license exam. Go to the CSLB CA website and look around and you will find it, thats where I ordered mine from. C33 exam material. What Is On The Exam? The California Contractor License Exam is similar for all 43 classifications. There are two parts: a general knowledge portion for all contractors, and the trade portion for your specific classification: The Law and Business portion (general knowledge) is a 3.5-hour, multiple-choice exam you take on a computer.

C33 License Exam Practice Test

Before you come into DMV to take your knowledge test, practice taking one (or all) of these sample tests.When you are ready to take the actual test, keep these suggestions in mind:. Review the. It contains a lot of information and it may take you a few days to get through it. Read the test questions carefully. Don't read anything extra into the question. There will be one correct answer and the other two answer choices will be either obviously wrong or not appropriate for the question asked. Remember, all the test questions are taken from the handbook.

If you miss a question, the field office employee can tell you on which page to find the correct answer. Don't be nervous.

DMV wants you to pass your test. Good Luck!CAUTION: Your browser must be JavaScript enabled to complete the sample driver license knowledge test. Only JavaScript enabled browsers will check your answer and provide an immediate pop-up response indicating if your answer was correct or not.Browsers that do not support JavaScript may seem to indicate the wrong answer as the correct answer. An answer sheet is provided for those browsers which do not support JavaScript. New questions will be added periodically. Commercial Driver (Class A or B License)Regular Driver (Class C License)Motorcycle Driver (Class M License).

C33 License Exam Practice Test In Hindi

Describe the type of screws used with Gypsum installation and light-gage steel?. Type W screws. Type U screws. Type R screws. Type S screws2. The self-weight of the structural members normally provides the largest portion of the load of a building.

Dead. Live. Wind. Heavy3. Which of following roof styles is described: roof characterized by two slopes on each of its four sides with the lower slope being steeper than the upper slope?. Salt Box.

C33 License Exam Practice Test 473

Side-gabled. Mansard. Pavilion-hipped4. Identify the correct definition of Ductility. Ductility is similar to the concept of support, except that connection refers to.

A system of forces composed of two equal forces of opposite direction, offset by. Bending deformation, i.e., deformation by increasing curvature. Ductility generally refers to the amount of inelastic deformation which a5. Which of the following is not true concerning trusses?. The trusses are often used as visual or spatial elements.

Trusses are also used for heavily loaded long spans requiring more structural. Trusses are never used as repetitive lightweight members, such as steel “bar. Trusses are not limited to planar assemblies, and can be arranged as6. Match the definition below with the correct term: occurs in loosely packed saturated sand when seismic shaking compacts the sand, resulting in increased pressure in the surrounding water. The pressure in the water can rise to the point where it carries all the stress in the soil, so the sand grains carry no net pressure and can flow past one another. Dissipation. Liquefaction.

C33 License Exam Practice Test Free App

Saturation. Indemnification7. Match the definition below with the correct term:One who has contracted to be responsible for another, especially one who assumes responsibilities or debts in the event of default. Surety. Privity.

Compensation. Quittance8. Identifiy the acronym: CSI.

Construction Science Institute. Construction Specifications Institute. Construction SPEX Institute. Construction Source Institute9. Match the definition below with the correct term:Term used to define portable and fixed, hand operated fire fighting equipment foruse in buildings. The term not only includes water, carbon dioxide, foam and drypowder fire extinguishers but fire hose reels, internal fire hydrants, fire service hose and nozzles. FSPR.


C33 license exam practice testsContractor

What distance is required between masonary veneer and sheathing?.5 inch. 1 inch. 1.5 inch. 2 inchAnswer Key1.

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