Windows Phone Change Microsoft Account
When I initially setup my Windows Phone 7, I used my work Microsoft Account. Now I want to change it to my personal one. How can I change the Microsoft Account I initially used to set up the phone? When I tap and hold on the Microsoft Account account I can't delete it, and it won't let me edit the email address, either. What happens if i change my Microsoft Account 'Password' that i am currently using for my windows phone sign in? Last edited by nikolasellinides; at 05:10 PM. Hmm, that's kind of a non-answer. My Windows phone is refusing to let me access the store, but also not offering any option to. Sep 23, 2015 If you own a Windows Phone, chances are that you have used your Microsoft account credentials to configure your device. However, there may be times when you want to change the account you use on the phone.

Step 1: Add a new email address or phone number. Sign in to your. Select Your info at the top of the page. Motorguide xi5 freshwater bow-mount wireless trolling motor. Select Manage how you sign in to Microsoft. You may be prompted to re-enter your password or enter a code we send to the email address or phone number listed in your account as security information. This lets us know the request is coming from you.

Windows Phone 8 Change Microsoft Account
Select either Add email or Add phone number.Note If you see the message “For security reasons, you need to verify your primary alias before you can add another alias” at the bottom of the page, you will need to either Verify your current primary alias or select Rename. If you select Rename, please go to the “” section. If you selected Add email, follow these steps.

Otherwise, go to step 7 to add a phone number. If you want to create a new email address to use, select Create a new email address and add it as an alias, and then follow the instructions. If you have a non-Microsoft email address (such as an or email address) that you want to use, select Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias, and then click Add alias. When you add an existing email address, you'll be required to verify that you own that account.
To the right of the alias you added, click Verify, and we'll send a message to that email address to get confirmation. When you receive the verification email, click the link provided to verify that you own the account. Note The email address that you enter can't already be in use as a Microsoft account alias. If you selected Add phone number, follow these steps:.
Select your country from the list. Enter the phone number you want to use, and then select Next. When you add a new phone number, we'll send a text message to that number to verify it. Enter the code in the text message, and then select Next.Step 2: Set the new email address as your primary aliasAfter you add the new email address, you need to set it as your primary alias to have it displayed when you sign in to all devices and services. If you haven’t been able to verify your primary alias, select the Rename option next to the primary alias on the Manage how you sign in to Microsoft page. Select either Use an existing alias or Use a different alias. If you have a verified alias you would like to make primary, select Use an existing alias, and choose the desired email address from the menu.
Otherwise, go to step 4 to add or create a new one. If you select Use a different alias, follow these steps:. If you want to create a new email address to use, select Create a new email address as your primary alias, and then click Rename primary alias. If you have a non-Microsoft email address (such as an or email address) that you want to use, select Use an existing email address as your primary alias, and then click Rename primary alias. When you add an existing email address, you'll be taken to the Verify your email page to verify that you own that account. We'll send a message with a security code to that email address to get confirmation. When you receive the verification email, enter the provided security code in the field and click Verify to confirm that you own the account.
Note The email address that you enter can't already be in use as a Microsoft account alias. If successful, you’ll see the “You’ve changed the name of your primary alias” message. Additionally, your previously unverified primary alias will be replaced with the new address on the Manage how you sign in to Microsoft page.Note It can take up to 48 hours for the change to your email address to be implemented across all Microsoft services. If you sign in to your Microsoft account on an Xbox One console by using your Kinect sensor, you might temporarily be asked to manually sign in with a controller. If you're still being asked to manually sign in after 2 days, try removing your account from the console and then adding it back.You can use any email address or phone number you have listed as an alias to sign in. To make it harder for someone to break into your account, change your sign-in preferences to turn off any alias you don't want used to sign in.