Azure Resize Vm Without Reboot
Changing VM Sizes in Azure. Understand you may either have to reboot to resize the VM or deallocate the VM to move to a different hardware cluster. Yes, please see here for step by step on resizing your Azure VM via PowerShell. To resize a Linux VM with Azure CLI see here. You can resize the VM without losing your data. When you resize the VM from the portal, the disks associated with the VM won’t get deleted. You can always resize/recreate the VM using the existing disks. There are 3 Disks with in Azure VM, the are as follows: C Drive 127 GB Dedicated for OS will persist after reboot. This disk is dedicated for OS and shouldn't be used for any other purpose. Resizing an Azure Virtual Machine. The answer is that yes is reboot is always required when changing the size of a running VM. AND the resize may not be immediate. If you change from say an A1 to an A7, or even from an A6 to A7, your VM may have to move to another Hyper-V host depending on how our hosts are loaded. Once the move is complete, then the VM will be brought up.
I have a pair of VMs in the same availability set, associated with a load balancer for inbound requests. I want to be able to resize both VMs in a way that one VM is always up to handle incoming requests.
Sometimes this just works, by updating the size of each VM, one at a time. However, because of the capacity in the physical hardware cluster that the VMs are associated with, sometimes the resize operation requires a cluster change, which involves shutting both VMs down at the same time.What I'm wondering is: is there a workflow I can use to perform a resize regardless of physical cluster that'll allow me to keep 1 VM online and able to handle inbound requests?I was thinking something along the lines of:1.
Move VM1 to new avaliablity set and resize it2. Update load balancer backend pool to reference new availability set3. Move VM2 to new availability set and resize itHowever, I am not sure if that is possible - seems like the load balancer may be permanently associated with a specific availability set.
Another option may be to stand up a temporary second availability set and update the public IP to transfer the load.Has anyone attempted to do this or have ideas on how to acheive it?. This would be my recommendation as well. Although VM resizing is a possibility, I would say a more 'cloud-way' of doing things is bringing up the new VMs that you'd like to have and destroying the old ones as soon as the new ones are confirmed to be up and running.Is there a requirement for you to never have more than 2 VMs running? If this is a service that needs to stay online I think it's better to be safe and go from 2 - 4 - 2 VMs, as opposed to 2 - 1 - 2 as described in your original proposal. You would not have any redundancy for the duration of the upgrade.
Microsoft says the proper way to resize VMs in an Availability Set is to shut them all off, resize then turn them all back on. The reason behind this is because if you resize just 1 and don't turn off the rest there is a chance the host/rack the VM is on won't have enough resources, and it may move the larger VM to the same update/fault domain as the other VM to get enough resources.You'll probably want to aim to resize during a maintenance window, as there really isn't any way to update them without shutting them both down for at least some time, unless the app was written to do fancy synchronization to other machines.
(In which case, rebuild the whole environment and change your CNAME record in DNS to point to the new environment then deallocate the old pair until you know the size is what you want.). VM Scale sets will automatically increase or decrease a predefined amount of machines based off an identical OS image. It can change based on schedule or demand, or both with schedule being the overriding trigger. So if you are running an app or service on IaaS it can automate work loads without having to resize virtual machines. In Azure, it's cheaper and more efficient to scale out versus up. For example if you were currently running an app on a D16 v3 (16 vCPU, 64GB RAM) at $1.69 an hour you could instead have 2-4 D4 v3 (4 vCPU, 16GB RAM) running in a scale set at $0.84 - $1.69 an hour.
Azure Resize Vm Without Reboot Password
When your demand is low and only 2 D4s are running you're saving.